t. 07711 693700   e. jackie@jackiehart.org.uk

Welcome to Jackie Hart Personal Development Coaching

Solution focussed coaching helps individuals to deal with specific situations or issues, overcome obstacles and move forward with their lives.

Jackie Hart Personal Development Coaching works with Businesses and Education Providers, providing coaching to individuals within their organisations.  Coaching enables employees to deal with challenges that they are facing, whether they are personal or work related, and move forward.  Individuals become more focussed, more productive and more positive as a result of the coaching process.


Coaching identifies:
  • Where someone is now
  • Where someone wants to be and how they want to feel
  • What steps are needed to reach the end goal
At Jackie Hart Personal Development Coaching, we use a variety of techniques to move through the coaching stages, equipping individuals with the tools and confidence to achieve their goals, now and into the future.


Jackie Hart Personal Development Coaching delivers bespoke Coaching Solutions that include:

  • Individual Coaching Support
  • Group Coaching Workshops
  • Short Courses
Coaching programmes are tailored to the client needs, whether they are a large business, a college or a school.